How to Start a Mary’s Way Chapter
Thank you for your interest in starting a Mary’s WAY (Women Answering YES) at your parish. Please read the initial guidelines below:
- Pray for discernment as to whether Mary’s WAY should be brought to your parish at this time. (Use Mass & Adoration and/or the Rosary).
- Hold a meeting with your Pastor to share the Mary’s WAY mission and website. Ask his support and blessing on it. Let him know that all work will be done by your committee. The fruits of Mary’s WAY dinners are an increased number of women going to daily Mass, Confession, Adoration and praying the rosary more often. Ask for permission to advertise in the bulletin, around church grounds and have a few pulpit announcements leading up to the dinner date.
- Once you receive permission from your Pastor, call Ann Winkle (630) 728-6099 or email me ( to request prepared Mary’s WAY documents to help your committee move forward with duties, advertisements, registration forms, bulletin announcements, etc.
- Pray to be led to recognize & invite 5-6 women in your parish to be a part of your committee. The committee members will choose duties/responsibilities and work together to design, promote and implement the dinner.
- Invite 8 or more women to be your MW prayer warriors. Choose a leader. The warriors can meet together to pray, attend a weekly daily Mass together, and/or pray on their own for the weekly special intentions of MW. On the night of the dinner, the leader will pray with her warriors, spread blessed salt and Holy water and offer prayers of protection over the room, guests, speaker and committee.
Thank you and God bless you through Mary!